Soil Publications
Soil Publications
Publications by Topic
The objective of the publication is to present the prominent characteristics of representative soils and how they may affect soil use and management. The Atlas is meant to give a generalized view of the soil resources in the state and serve as an introduction to understanding their complex nature. This digital publication is available for download from the University of Kentucky Libraries.
Tobacco Stalks and Stems Fertility Value and Use, AGR-23
Using Animal Manures as Nutrient Sources, AGR-146
The Agronomics of Manure Use For Crop Production, AGR-165
Broiler Litter Production in Kentucky and Potential Use as a Nutrient Source, AGR-168
Poultry Litter Management, ID-117
Livestock Waste Sampling and Testing, ID-123
Nutrient Management Planning Guidelines, ID-211
Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky, IP-56
Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky, IP-57
Nutrient Management in Kentucky, IP-71
Tillage and Subsoiling Effects on Soil Compaction and Yield of Burley Tobacco: Plant and Soil Sciences Research Report Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012
Soil Compaction in Kentucky, AGR-161
Improving the Productivity of Landscapes with Little or No Topsoil, AGR-203
Evaluating Land Resource Potentials in Kentucky, AGR-215
Assessing and Preventing Soil Compaction in Kentucky, ID-153
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations, AGR-1
When to Apply Lime, AGR-5
Potassium in Kentucky Soils, AGR-11
Liming Acid Soils, AGR-19
Nitrogen in Kentucky Soils, AGR-43
Liming and Fertilizing Burley Tobacco, AGR-49
Fertilization of Cool-Season Grasses, AGR-103
Managing Acid Soils for the Production of Burley Tobacco, AGR-109
Managing Soil Nitrates for Agronomic Efficiency and Environmental Protection, AGR-147
Problems in Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies of Cool Season Grasses, AGR-169
Corn Stalk Nitrate Test, AGR-180
Comparison and Use of Chlorophyll Meters on Wheat, AGR-181
Nitrogen Transformation Inhibitors and Controlled-Release Urea, AGR-185
Managing Seasonal Fluctuations of Soil Tests, AGR-189
Fertilizer Management in Alfalfa, AGR-210
Soybean Nutrient Management in Kentucky, AGR-213
Fertility Management in Corn, ID-139
Tillage and Subsoiling Effects on Soil Compaction and Yield of Burley Tobacco: Plant and Soil Sciences Research Report Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012
Trees and Compacted Soils, HO-93
Iron Deficiency of Landscape Plants, ID-84
Improving the Productivity of Landscapes with Little or No Topsoil, AGR-203
Soils and Fertility: Kentucky Master Gardener Manual Chapter 4, AGR-204
Liming Kentucky Lawns, AGR-214
Principles of Home Landscape Fertilizing, ID-72
How Water Use Impacts Septic System Performance, HENV-509
Landscaping Septic Systems with Native Plants, HENV-508
Flood Conditions and Your Septic System, HENV-507
Turfgrass Color: Indicator of Septic System Performance, HENV-506
Impacts of Additives on Septic System Performance, HENV-505
Importance of Wastewater Biological Oxygen Demand in Septic Systems, HENV-504
Septic Tanks: The Primary Treatment Device of Septic Systems, HENV-503
Septic System Failure and Environmental Impacts, HENV-502
Septic System Maintenance: Care and Feeding of Your System, HENV-501
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